Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Skype Icon
I have been using Skype since about mid November. I talk to my sister and boyfriend in Birmingham. I love being able to see and talk to them when I normally cannot. It is also fun and helpful to be able to share my screen with them and let them see that I am doing 250 miles away. My boyfriend has checked some of my papers for problems and was able to point out exactly where the problems were through Skype. He also helped me find websites for researches that I have had to do. I love it. If Daddy did not mind putting stuff on the computer back home, I could be able to see them more than once a month.


  1. I use Skype regularly for personal and professional conversations. It can be something of a novelty but I have connected my fourth and fifth graders with a number of classes. We are learning what is possible still. A sustained conversation is building between my class and a class in South Carolina. We Skyped with a class in New York State and then followed that up by evaluating that class's PowerPoint presentations using a Googledoc form. Our most recent adventure was an Author visit using Skype. We read a Boston area author's novel. He joined us afterward for a conversation on Skype. I want these activities to be as casual as walking to the back of the classroom for a textbook.

  2. That's great! I have been using skype for several years now and I love it! It allows me to keep in touch personally with family members and friends. I must also give kudos on how well the webcam reception is. I don't know what I would do with it out it anymore. Theres nothing better than being able to eat lunch with my brother while he's in Kentucky
