Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week 4

I admit it. I am a huge fan of this. I read Taryn's blog of his week at this link. The poor boy's week was full of tests. A baby visited their class and he was pretty excited about it. He sounds so sweet. He and his classmates get to talk to other children their age all over the globe through blogging. I think that this is a great idea for the children.

Eagle's Nest Radio
Podcasting is a great way for children to learn. They know that they are going to be recorded and then posted where everyone can listen. They actually have to know some of the material beforehand. I love how so many of the students participate in this. The students all have to cooperate with each other. They seem to be enjoying themselves. Since my class has to do the same sort of thing, it was fun hearing these students.

Podcasting does not seem as hard as I was making it out to be. I would need to pick out some fun music for the introduction and ending and more sounds for effect. All that is left is to pick out who else is working with me and then find a good interesting topic. The students topic are educational but they were taught in a fun entertaining manner. I enjoyed listening to them explain some of history like the gladiators or explorers.


  1. I agree with you about how podcasting helps the students because they have to review the material beforehand and actually know it. I also think it's a great idea for students to learn how to work together towards a common goal. That's a good point you had about picking out some fun music for the introduction and ending and putting sound effects into your podcasts. I think that adds a lot of creativity and makes your audience keep their focus. Good job.

  2. I am also really impressed and pleased with 'Comments4Kids'. It is evident that children everywhere around the world really enjoy expressing themselves through blogging. It's a whole new way for kids to share their classwork with thousands of culturally diverse students in that they aren't just turning their work into their teacher and getting it back with a stamp of approval; by posting poems, etc. on the internet they are given more opportunities to diverse feedback and new inspiration.

  3. I totally agree with you about podcasing. It is a wonderful idea for future educators to incorporate into their lesson plans. Students like using computers so what better way to teach them. It will keep their attention and they will be learning at the same time.
